4 Years
A level
Primary school - Marist Stella High School Secondary school - Saint Joseph Institution Junior college - Catholic Junior College
Hi parents! My name is Julian and I am currently waiting to enter University as a business undergraduate at SMU. I am committed and passionate about teaching and I have always believed that every student can reach their full potential with proper guidance, so do allow me to guide your child! I have had teaching experiences and attended courses at my previous employment at a tuition center. I have a good range of teaching methods for students with varying wavelengths. I am described as an initiative yet patient teacher as I give out free notes and lesson materials without cost. Most importantly, I care for your children’s academic journey and I will often answer questions/hold Zoom lessons at any time for students nearing their examinations. I specialize in teaching Mathematics, Sciences, and Economics. Furthermore, I was previously an intern at UOB in their accounting department. Rest assured, I attained As for Mathematics, Sciences as well as English in my national examinations and am trained to teach both subjects - for Primary, Secondary and Junior college. I am trained to teach both virtual and face-to-face tuition. Similarly, my students have all attained > Bs for Math and Science and I would be happy to help your child if given the chance to do so!
Tutor is available to provide “Online Tuition”
Part Time ( Working Adult)
University of London - Bachelor of Science (Honours) Data Science and Business Analytics
Part Time ( Student)
Henry Park Primary School, Bukit Panjang Govt High School, River Valley High School, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) majoring in Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry and Biological Chemistry
Part Time ( Student)
Dunman High School graduate
Part Time ( Student)
Temasek Junior College (2023-2024)
H2 Geography, Economics and Maths, H1 Chemistry and GP
Tanjong Katong Secondary School (2019-2022)
Part Time ( Student)
Currently attending: Doctor of Medicine at DukeNUS Medical School
Bachelor of Engineering at National University of Singapore
IB Diploma at St Joseph's Institution
Part Time ( Student)
Manjusri Secondary School, GCE 'O' Levels
Catholic Junior College, GCE 'A' Levels
Full Time Tutor
Monash University (MEd) (Education) 2008
NIE (PGDE Secondary) 2005
NUS (BSc. Hons) Biology 2003
Part Time ( Working Adult)
NTU Mathematical Science with Minor In Finance (starting Aug 2025)
Part Time ( Working Adult)
National university of Singapore, bachelors in computer engineering
Part Time ( Student)
Sec School & JC: Hwa Chong Institution
Pri School: Henry Park Primary School
Part Time ( Student)
Maris Stella High School (PSLE and O level)
Dunman High School (A level)
SMU school of computing (information systems)
Part Time ( Working Adult)
Schools attended: Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School and National Junior College
Currently Attending: NUS
Major: Geography
Part Time ( Student)
NUS High School of Math and Science Class of 2024
Graduated with Majors in Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry
Part Time ( Student)
Secondary & JC: River Valley High School
Currently awaiting A Level results for university applications
Full Time Tutor
Rutgers University/Graduated 2013/History & Political Science/BA
Caribbean Medical University/Current, On Hiatus/Medicine/MD
Full Time Tutor
(1) Anglo-Chinese Primary School
(2) Anglo-Chinese School
(3) Anglo-Chinese Junior College
(4) National University of Singapore
- B.A. (English Language and Sociology)
- B.Soc.Sc. (Hons) (Sociology)
- M.Soc.Sc. (Sociology)
Part Time ( Working Adult)
National University of Singapore - Majoring in Economics
Part Time ( Working Adult)
Victoria School - IP Programme
Victoria Junior College - GCE A Levels
NUS Engineering Scholars Programme - Mechanical Engineering
Full Time Tutor
National University of Singapore ∙ Singapore (2015/16 – 2018/19)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering)
Anderson Junior College ∙ Singapore (2011 - 2012)
- Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level
Maris Stella High School ∙ Singapore (2007 - 2010)
- Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level
Part Time ( Student)
Secondary Education: School of Science and Technology Singapore
Junior College: Eunoia Junior College
Prospective University: NUS College of Humanities and Sciences (Data Science and Analytics) (Enrolling this year in August 2025)
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