2 Years
A level
Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School (Secondary) Raffles Institution NUS (Medicine)
As a student myself, I find it important and essential to connect with my students as I teach them. Through the use of personalised notes, question papers of varying difficulty and personalised question and answer keys to accommodate each student's weak topics and subjects, I aim to help students gain confidence and excitement in their studies to propel them to excellence. I can promise that I will try my hardest in helping them improve their attitude towards studying hard topics and in turn, help them gain a better understanding of the topics they require help in. From my past year of teaching, I have helped my O Level Science student improve from E8 to a high A1 in her prelim examinations. I assure you I will provide: 1. Personalised notes for each topic of the syllabus 2. Question papers and marking schemes 3. Worksheets to do during lesson and take home for homework As I have gone through the syllabus, I am well-versed in the do's and dont's for examinations. I am a hard worker and have worked hard for the grades I have achieved at O Levels and A Levels which are O Levels (studied in Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School) - A1 Pure Chem, A1 Pure Bio, A1 Emath, A1 Amath, A1 Pure Lit, A1 English, A2 SS/Geog, A2 Chinese A Levels (studied in Raffles Institution) - A H2 Chem, A H2 Bio, A H2 Econs, A H2 Math, A H1 GP, A H1 PW, A H1 Chinese Additionally, as a Medical student, I deal with Science everyday and am well-versed with the subject as this is something I am passionate in. While I am someone with only 1 year of experience, I am confident that I will be able to teach and identify weaknesses and strengths in my students to aid them in their exam preparation.
Tutor is available to provide “Online Tuition”
Part Time ( Working Adult)
University of London - Bachelor of Science (Honours) Data Science and Business Analytics
Part Time ( Student)
Henry Park Primary School, Bukit Panjang Govt High School, River Valley High School, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) majoring in Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry and Biological Chemistry
Part Time ( Working Adult)
Catholic Junior College (attended)
Crescent Girls’ School (attended)
Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School (attended)
Full Time Tutor
Murdoch University - Bachelors Degree in Human Resources & Public Relations
Ngee Ann Polytechnic - Diploma in Chinese Media & Communications
Part Time ( Student)
Attended Victoria School
Attended Victoria Junior College
NTU Electronic & Electrical Engineering
Part Time ( Student)
Temasek Junior College (2023-2024)
H2 Geography, Economics and Maths, H1 Chemistry and GP
Tanjong Katong Secondary School (2019-2022)
Part Time ( Working Adult)
Bedok View Secondary School - 2019 to 2022
ITE East College - 2023 to 2025
Part Time ( Student)
Attended: Raffles Girls’ Primary School, Raffles Girls Secondary School, Raffles Institution
Part Time ( Student)
Graduated from Hwa Chong International School, IB diploma
Currently attending Nanyang Technological University, studying Bachelor of Biological Sciences with a Second major in Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology
Special Needs Teacher
Masters in education
University of Adelaide
Part Time ( Student)
Currently attending: Doctor of Medicine at DukeNUS Medical School
Bachelor of Engineering at National University of Singapore
IB Diploma at St Joseph's Institution
Part Time ( Student)
Geylang Methodist Primary SCHOOL
CHIJ Katong Convent
Nanyang polytechnic
University of Adelaide College Australia
University of Adelaide Australia: Undergraduate degree in Health and medical science majoring in Neuroscience from year 2 onwards, it is a pre-med course . Planning to do Medicine for Postgraduate at Duke-Nus.
Part Time ( Working Adult)
NTU Mathematical Science with Minor In Finance (starting Aug 2025)
Part Time ( Student)
St Joseph’s Institution Junior (PSLE 229)
Ang Mo Kio Secondary School ( “O” Level L1R5 10 RAW )
Anglo Chinese Junior College ( “A” Level AAA/B 85/90RP)
Going to NUS Computer Engineering in AY25/26
Part Time ( Working Adult)
Diploma in Applied AI and Analytic, Singapore Polytechnic
MOE NIE / Trainee Teacher
• (1) NTU/NIE - PGDE (Sec)
• (2) NUS - BSc Hons 2nd Upper (Major: Zoology)
• (3) Temasek Junior College
• (4) Tanjong Katong Girls' School
Part Time ( Working Adult)
Yishun primary school
Orchid park secondary school
Yishun Innova jc
Part Time ( Working Adult)
National university of Singapore, bachelors in computer engineering
Part Time ( Working Adult)
NUS faculty of science, Major in lifescience (Hons.), Minor in public heath
Nanyang junior college
Chung cheng high Yishun
Northland primary school
Part Time ( Student)
Nan Hua High School - O Level
Hwa Chong Institution - A Level
National University of Singapore - Double Degree in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) and Business Administration (Finance)
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