5 Years
NTU Bachelor Degree of Business Administration Ngee Ann Poly: Diploma in Banking and Finance
I have a strong academic background in POA. I am currently working at Monetary Authority of Singapore as a trainee in the corporate finance department. My knowledge for accounting is broad and deep in these field. I am able to provide my own POA personal notes for lesson.I have years of experience tutoring POA. Currently teaching 2 NA POA student and 5 Express POA students. I understand the concepts that students struggle with and have effective strategies for helping them overcome challenges. I know how to break down complex topics into digestible lessons and approaches that make sense to students. I am a patient and passionate teacher. I truly enjoy helping students understand and appreciate POA. I adapt my teaching style to suit each students needs and learning preferences. Some students need a more structured approach while others prefer a more conceptual understanding. I maintain strong communication with parents or students to ensure they are kept informed of the progress. My schedule is flexible and able to accommodate to student timings.
Tutor is available to provide “Online Tuition”
Part Time ( Working Adult)
Temasek Polytechnic - Diploma of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Graduated)
University of Dundee - Degree of Neuroscience (BSc) (Graduated)
University of Dundee - Degree of Medicine (MBChB) (Graduated)
Part Time ( Student)
Dunman High School graduate
Part Time ( Student)
Attended Victoria School
Attended Victoria Junior College
NTU Electronic & Electrical Engineering
Part Time ( Student)
Temasek Junior College (2023-2024)
H2 Geography, Economics and Maths, H1 Chemistry and GP
Tanjong Katong Secondary School (2019-2022)
Part Time ( Working Adult)
Bedok View Secondary School - 2019 to 2022
ITE East College - 2023 to 2025
Part Time ( Student)
Attended: Raffles Girls’ Primary School, Raffles Girls Secondary School, Raffles Institution
Part Time ( Student)
Graduated from Hwa Chong International School, IB diploma
Currently attending Nanyang Technological University, studying Bachelor of Biological Sciences with a Second major in Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology
Special Needs Teacher
Masters in education
University of Adelaide
Part Time ( Student)
Currently attending: Doctor of Medicine at DukeNUS Medical School
Bachelor of Engineering at National University of Singapore
IB Diploma at St Joseph's Institution
Part Time ( Student)
Manjusri Secondary School, GCE 'O' Levels
Catholic Junior College, GCE 'A' Levels
Part Time ( Student)
Geylang Methodist Primary SCHOOL
CHIJ Katong Convent
Nanyang polytechnic
University of Adelaide College Australia
University of Adelaide Australia: Undergraduate degree in Health and medical science majoring in Neuroscience from year 2 onwards, it is a pre-med course . Planning to do Medicine for Postgraduate at Duke-Nus.
Full Time Tutor
Monash University (MEd) (Education) 2008
NIE (PGDE Secondary) 2005
NUS (BSc. Hons) Biology 2003
Part Time ( Working Adult)
NTU Mathematical Science with Minor In Finance (starting Aug 2025)
Part Time ( Student)
St Joseph’s Institution Junior (PSLE 229)
Ang Mo Kio Secondary School ( “O” Level L1R5 10 RAW )
Anglo Chinese Junior College ( “A” Level AAA/B 85/90RP)
Going to NUS Computer Engineering in AY25/26
Part Time ( Working Adult)
Diploma in Applied AI and Analytic, Singapore Polytechnic
MOE NIE / Trainee Teacher
• (1) NTU/NIE - PGDE (Sec)
• (2) NUS - BSc Hons 2nd Upper (Major: Zoology)
• (3) Temasek Junior College
• (4) Tanjong Katong Girls' School
Part Time ( Working Adult)
Yishun primary school
Orchid park secondary school
Yishun Innova jc
Part Time ( Working Adult)
National university of Singapore, bachelors in computer engineering
Part Time ( Student)
Sec School & JC: Hwa Chong Institution
Pri School: Henry Park Primary School
Part Time ( Working Adult)
NUS faculty of science, Major in lifescience (Hons.), Minor in public heath
Nanyang junior college
Chung cheng high Yishun
Northland primary school
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