3 Years
Primary School: Canberra Primary School Secondary School: Xinmin Secondary School Junior College: Serangoon Junior College University: Singapore Management University (Double Major in Economics & Operations Management)
I have 3 years of experience teaching Mathematics, English, and Chinese, with a strong focus on helping students improve their understanding and performance. In terms of my own academic background, I have achieved the following: PSLE Higher Chinese - A* PSLE Maths - A PSLE English - A O Level English - B3 O Level Chinese - A2 O Level Maths- A2 O Level A Maths - A2 O Level Higher Chinese - B3 *Exempted from A Level Chinese due to good Chinese results obtained for O Levels. I have helped previous students improve their Maths, English, and Chinese results by 4 grades on average (e.g., from C6 to A2) within the first 3 months. My teaching method focuses on encouraging students to understand the “why” and meaning behind each concept, rather than simply memorising. By helping them grasp the core ideas, I aim to build a strong foundation that fosters critical thinking and the ability to approach maths problems flexibly. This deeper understanding not only allows students to solve problems more effectively but also gives them the confidence to apply their learning to real-life situations. I also actively encourage my students to communicate in Mandarin, so as to spark interest, and foster their own interest in learning. I believe in being patient and strive to motivate students to do better for themselves. I am also able to identify each student's unique learning style, providing tailored explanations and exercises, and creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment. I believe in engagement and a positive attitude towards learning, ensuring that students not only improve their grades but also develop a genuine interest in their subjects.
Tutor is available to provide “Online Tuition”
Part Time ( Working Adult)
NTU Mathematical Science with Minor In Finance (starting Aug 2025)
MOE NIE / Trainee Teacher
2016-2019: Ngee Ann Polytechnic Diploma in Chinese Studies
2022-present: National Institute of Education, Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Studies and Education
Part Time ( Student)
Nanyang Girls' High School
Hwachong Instituition
Temasek Polytechnic, Apparel Design and Merchandising majoring in Fashion Design
Nanyang Technological University, Bachelor of fine arts (media arts) majoring in Photography
Part Time ( Student)
I attended st. hilda's primary school, st. hilda's secondary school, and am currently completing my diploma in business information systems in republic polytechnic.
Part Time ( Student)
Hong Wen Primary School
Zhong Hua Secondary School
Millennial Institute
Special Needs Teacher
Advanced Diploma in Early Childhood Intervention (Special Needs) from National Institute of Early Childhood Development.
Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (Teaching) from SEED Institute x Wheelock College.
Certificate in Autism from Autism Resource Centre.
Part Time ( Student)
Singapore Polytechnic Diploma in Experience & Product Design
Part Time ( Student)
Diploma in Information Technology (Current)
Republic Polytechnic
04/2024 – 03/2027 | Singapore
GCE O'Levels
Woodlands Secondary School
01/2020 – 01/2024 | Singapore
Part Time ( Student)
O Levels (Punggol Secondary School)
Current pursing a Full-Time Diploma in Accountancy & Finance (Temasek Polytechnic)
Part Time ( Working Adult)
Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting & Finance
Part Time ( Student)
NUS bachelor's in Business Artificial Intelligence Systems ( information systems)
Part Time ( Student)
Currently Attending: Bachelor of Economics - Nanyang Technological University
Attended: Diploma in Business Management (Human Resource and International Business) - Nanyang Polytechnic
Part Time ( Student)
Edgefield Primary School
Greendale Secondary School
Currently attending:
Singapore Polytechnic, Major in Media, Arts & Design (Specialising in Story & Content Creation).
Special Needs Teacher
Diploma in Special Education, funded by MOE. Majored in Psychology (James Cook University).
Part Time ( Student)
Went through the Integrated Programme in Raffles Girls' School and graduated from Raffles Institution in 2024 after taking the A-Levels.
Part Time ( Working Adult)
Nanyang Technological University: Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
Temasek Polytechnic: Diploma in Electronics (Aerospace Options)
Part Time ( Student)
Haig Girls School
CHIJ Katong Convent
Tampines Meridian Junior College
Full Time Tutor
Curtin University - Degree in Accounting and Finance
Part Time ( Student)
Attended Pei Chun Public School
Attended Zhong Hua Secondary School
Currently enrolled in Year 3 of Data Science in Ngee Ann Polytechnic
MOE NIE / Trainee Teacher
NIE PGDE - English / Maths/ Science
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